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In order to serve our client better, we are ready to assist our client in a various area of law as follows:-
Dalam memberikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik, kami sedia membantu dalam bidang-
Sale & Purchase Agreement | Perjanjian Jual Beli
Housing Loan Agreement | Perjanjian Pinjaman Perumahan
Commercial Loan Agreement | Perjanjian Pinjaman Komersial
Civil Litigation | Litigasi Sivil
Criminal Litigation | Litigasi jenayah
Debt Recovery | Tuntutan Hutang
Bankruptcy and Insolvency | Bankrupsi dan insolvensi
Dispute Resolution | Penyelesaian Pertikaian
Landlord & Tenant | Urusan Penyewaan
Property & Land's Dispute | Pertikaian Hartanah
Loan, Banking & Finance Law | Pinjaman kewangan dan perbankan
Wills, Probate & Estate Administration | Wasiat dan pentadbiran harta
While most firms pay particular attention to conveyancing and loan or financing documentation, we pride ourselves in concentrating on an area that is the least popular with law firms, which is debt / loan recovery. This is in light of the immense paperwork involved compared to the relatively small returns. Firms that do provide legal services in this area, do so with the view of procuring more conveyancing and financing documentation work. Undoubtedly, the firm does provide these services, but our main area of practice remains debt / loan recovery, and this is a line that we do indeed excel in.
Our firm understands the need to act quickly and swiftly to enter judgment to recover unserviced loans that have been disbursed to borrowers. This is because the legal profession is a service industry and realises that the client requires fast and efficient results and not merely empty promises. Our emphasis in debt collection is speed, efficiency and accuracy with reasonable cost to our valued client. This is why four of the firm's legal assistants are at the disposal of the client to ensure timely execution of notices and legal proceedings. Further emphasis is made with regards to litigation and civil proceedings relating to Islamic Financing and Banking where the firm has been entrusted with the responsibility of attending to debt recovery and also conveyancing matters for several client involved in the Banking and Finance line, from inception to completion of each particular matter.
It has been our policy that once we receive instruction from our clients’ issue Notice of Demand to defaulting borrowers of a client bank or finance company, the Notice would be sent out on the same day or at the latest within twenty four (24) hours.
The firm's four lawyers assigned to attend to matters involving debt / loan recovery ensure the accuracy and legality of any and / or all notices of demand, which have been prepared by anyone of the staffs in our litigation department. The firm has at its disposal members of the staff in the mailing department for purpose of ensuring that all documents are served efficiently and expeditiously. All outgoing mail shall reach the post office before 3 p.m. on the same day of issuance.
Stringent time frames are set and complied with by the firm and its staff to ensure fast and positive results. Upon the expiry of seven (7) days contained in the Notice of Demand, summons are prepared upon receiving instructions from the client and filed in court within (3) days of the receipt of the instructions from the client. By virtue of our good working relationship with the relevant authorities, we normally obtain comparatively early mention dates. As far as possible, we strive to obtain judgment favor of our clients on the first mention date itself. Our rapport with the official enables us to extract sealed copies of a judgment soonest possible.
In the event any defence is filed, it is our practice not to agree by defendant solicitors; nor do we indulge in requesting for adjournments, unless otherwise instructed by the clients. In any proceedings by way of Summary Judgment applications are our primary recourse.
The firm is aware that sealed Judgments are, by nature merely paper judgment unless the judgment sums are fully realized. In this respect, the firm also lays firm emphasis on execution proceedings in order to assist client in the actual and speedy realisation of a debt or loan. In all forms of execution, speed is an essential criteria for ensuring successful execution, and this, we are proud to say, has always been in the forefront of our services. The modes of execution and areas of concentration are as follows:
Once a defendant has a judgment obtained against him and is aware of impending execution proceedings, he may dispose of all his valuable assets to the detriment of our client. As aforementioned, our firm is able to obtain early return dates for applications for execution and ensure secrecy of execution proceedings by virtue of our good rapport with the courts. The firm also pays special attention to deposits made with the courts and ensure that such deposits are returned to the client not later than one month after any auction. This is an admirable feat as most deposits are only returned after a substantial amount of time has lapsed. We also ensure that our clients' interest in the property or goods are protected at all times and, if possible, arrange for extra bidders.
Similar to execution by way of writ of seizure and sale, the firm excels in obtaining early return dates to compel the debtor to settle the judgment sum as soon as possible. As the service of a Judgment Debtor Summons requires personal service, we have engaged the services of several companies and agencies to effect service as soon as possible. Thereafter, these companies and agencies would prepare and forward us the Affidavit of Service. We are again proud to say that our ratio of success in effecting service of judgment debtor summons on judgment debtors is very high.
For properties without title, normally assigned to the lending institutions i.e. the client, our ability to foreclose a property within an average period of one month is based on our strong relationship with various valuers and auctioneers. Similarly for properties with title, we have a proven track record of our speed and efficiency in obtaining early dates for Orders for sale in the High Court. By virtue of our strong relationship with various property agents around the country, we are capable of bringing and arranging more genuine bidders to safeguard our client's interest by obtaining the best and highest possible sale price.
This mode of execution is popular in relation to Judgment Debtors that refuse to succumb to other modes of execution or who are difficult to trace. Although the time frame and procedure with regards to bankruptcy are fast and furious, this does not deter us from obtaining the necessary adjudicating and receiving orders in the shortest possible time. The firm’s staff is extremely experienced in the form of execution as may be seen by our track record.
The firm emphasizes on speed, efficiency and accuracy with reasonable costs to our clients. We believe in providing quality services to our clients to be able to remain competitive. As we have wide and varied experiences in commercial matters, we understand the needs of banks and financial institutions to disburse loans or credit facilities to there valued customers as soon as possible. The purpose behind this is to enable these financial institutions to remain competitive lending business.
Simultaneously, the firm understands the needs of developers to have the sales and purchases transaction completed and duly stamped in the shortest possible time so as to enable their purchasers to apply and obtain loans from financial institutions as fast as possible. We are aware that any delay of the purchasers in applying for loans would result in monetary loss to the developers and subsequently a loss of profit. The firm also provides advisory services to developers if and when the need arises.
While we continuously strive to set newer and higher standards in providing quality and efficient services to our clients, the firm prepares agreements within twenty-
Entire transactions are completed within one month from instructions, which is a feat in itself, taking into consideration, that in conveyancing, the firm has to communicate effectively with the various authorities to get the necessary consents, land and searches etc promptly.
Apart from providing quality services to our client, we at the firm believe in having an excellent rapport with people who matter to us in our business. We have established a very good working relationship with the officers and staff at the land offices and government agencies enabling us to expedite documents tendered for registration, adjudication etc.
Our firm specializes in sale and purchase agreements and financing, syndicated loans, corporate loan, industrial loan and even Islamic banking.